
2023年8月,卷. 29, No. 1


In our effort to fulfill our mission of serving both the public and the justice system, the 乔治亚州律师协会 manages 21 distinct programs that have been established at various points in the 60-year history of the unified Bar.

Fifteen of these programs are directed toward supporting our members and the practice of law. 其中包括范围广泛的服务, 包括法律实践管理课程, 律师援助计划, 律师健康倡议, 过渡到法律实践计划和许多其他的.

其他六个项目旨在履行我们亚洲最大娱乐平台服务的职责, as well as promote a better understanding of the law and its role in society among our fellow Georgians. One of our most popular and most frequently utilized public programs is Law-Related Education (LRE).

每年都有成千上万的乔治亚州学生, LRE provides an interactive method of teaching young people about the law and the fundamental principles on which it is based. 更具体地说, the program offers Georgia educators in grades K-12 a wide variety of strategies for including LRE in their social science education curriculum, 以及将LRE与英语联系起来的建议, science, math, 以及职业和技术教育课程.

The LRE program also provides instruction regarding our legal rights and responsibilities as Americans, 它鼓励人们在知情的情况下参与我们的民主政府. 根据国家和州的研究, law-related education deters delinquency and reduces disciplinary problems by fostering the development of decision-making, 解决问题和处理冲突的能力.

The outreach efforts of our LRE staff fall into five key categories: the Journey Through Justice field trip; teacher workshops; online course- and subject-specific LiveBinders on a variety of legal topics; sponsorship of the American Bar Association Civics and Honor Roll, and Skills USA Georgia’s Criminal Justice Quiz Bowl; and the Virtual Museum of Law.

现在大多数乔治亚州的学校都开学了, “正义之旅”实地考察活动正如火如荼地进行. For example, the events calendar on the Bar website shows that 19 class field trips to the Bar Center in Atlanta and “on the road” visits by our LRE staff to school campuses are scheduled between Aug. 22 and Sept. 30.

Participating students in grades 4-12 and their teachers come from public and private elementary schools, 全州的中学和高中, 以及大学预科职业学院和家庭学校团体. The Journey Through Justice tours have grown so popular that the Bar’s LRE staff now accepts reservations up to five years in advance.

The four-hour “Journey Through Justice” tour day begins with the Peach State School of Law, 在那里,经验丰富的老师和律师用深刻的见解挑战学生, 适合年龄的课程,例如青少年司法, torts, 刑法与宪法. 在通过律师资格考试后成为“每日律师”,” the students go to the courtroom on the third floor of the Bar Center for a mock trial, 他们在哪里担任律师, 证人和陪审员.

参观的下一站也是在三楼, 在拐角处的法律博物馆, which features educational and interactive historical displays with LRE staff teaching students about the Bill of Rights, 自由的呼唤:民权大游行, 残忍和不寻常的惩罚, 权力制衡, 美国司法的作用与著名的乔治亚州和美国.S. Trials.

这一天以“Reel Justice”结束,” a 12-minute compilation of scenes from 75 Hollywood films depicting a variety of law-related courtroom scenes and cases. See below for comments from recent Journey Through Justice participants about their experiences learning about the law.

模拟审判很棒! 这向我展示了如何在现实生活中处理法庭审判. (小学生)
The most memorable part to me was standing up at the stand and asking questions to the witness. (小学生)
I learned a lot of valuable information from the law lesson and the mock trial. 当我在那里谈论成年人的事情时,我感觉很舒服,我喜欢这种感觉. (中学生)
谢谢你关于技术和法律的精彩演讲. I think you really opened the students’ eyes to the legal ramifications of their actions. 我相信这给他们留下了深刻的印象. (高中教师)
绝对精彩的节目! 感谢您在我们的学生/孩子中培养了对法律的热爱. I am so impressed with your ability to integrate communication skills and strategies within the program. 即使他们不认为自己在学习,他们也在学习. Love it! (家庭学校的父母)

While the in-person Journey Through Justice field trips receive the most attention, longtime LRE Program Director Deborah Craytor tells me that two other components—the Virtual Museum of Law and LiveBinders—“have done a tremendous job in making the Bar’s LRE efforts visible on a nationwide scale.”

Found at www.thelawmuseum.org, the Virtual Museum of Law was developed over a five-year period and provides short, 动画视频, student assessment quizzes and teacher LiveBinders on 30 significant federal and Georgia cases. 据克雷托报道,除了一个视频外,其他视频都收到了超过5个,000 views, 30人中有24人收到超过10份,000次观看,布朗诉. 教育委员会的视频点击量接近50万.

“iCivics, a nationally prominent LRE and civics education project founded by former U.S. 最高法院大法官桑德拉·戴·奥康纳说, used our materials on the John Peter Zenger trial in creating its fifth grade ‘Private i’ due process curriculum,克雷托补充道, 罗格斯大学教育研究生院选择了布朗诉布朗案. Board of Education video for use in its Community-Engaged Anti-Racist Education Project.”

livebinder组件是一个免费的虚拟三环粘合剂程序, which enables the LRE staff to provide large collections of curated content for teacher use. livebinder包括教学计划, 其他课堂资源, 法律评论文章, 当前事件的网站和链接.

除了与虚拟法律博物馆相关的livebinder, Craytor and her staff also offer and constantly update an additional 27 LiveBinders on a variety of legal topics, ranging from constitutional law issues to employment law to environmental law and beyond. 所有LRE项目的livebinder都可以在 www.livebinders.com/s/175847.

“We also solicit contributions to our LiveBinders from Bar members,” Deborah said. “If any member would like to offer articles from their firm’s newsletters or other publications for inclusion, 他们可以简单地将这些文档以PDF格式发送给我们(LRE@gabar).Org),我们很乐意添加它们.”

而不是纯粹的成员服务, our Law-Related Education program is an inspiring example of how broadly the State Bar interprets our duty to serve the public, 通过提高人们对法律和司法制度的认识, 从很小的时候开始.

I encourage you to support our LRE Program by sending documents for inclusion in the LiveBinders, contacting educators in your community about these available resources or in any other way. 请通过以下方式与LRE项目联系 LRE@90bc.net.